Application No. EP-2011-008

Order issued
Friday, March 16, 2012


IN THE MATTER OF an application made by Cargill Inc., pursuant to section 60.2 of the Customs Act, for an order extending the time to file a request for a further re-determination pursuant to section 60 of the Customs Act.


Having considered the submissions of Cargill Inc. and noted that no representations on behalf of the President of the Canada Border Services Agency have been submitted in order to oppose the application, the Canadian International Trade Tribunal is satisfied that the conditions set out in section 60.2 of the Customs Act have been met. The Canadian International Trade Tribunal hereby grants the extension of time and allows Cargill Inc. until April 20, 2012, to file a request for a further re-determination, pursuant to section 60 of the Customs Act, with respect to the decision (Case No. SP05508), dated February 9, 2010, made pursuant to section 59 of the Customs Act by an officer designated by the President of the Canada Border Services Agency, Ms. Glenda Cleaveley.

Jason W. Downey
Jason W. Downey
Presiding Member

Dominique Laporte
Dominique Laporte