Orders and Reasons

File No. PR-2002-005


Ottawa, Wednesday, October 2, 2002

File No. PR-2002-005

IN THE MATTER OF a complaint filed by SPMgroup Ltd. under subsection 30.11(1) of the Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act, R.S.C. 1985 (4th Supp.), c. 47;

AND FURTHER TO a determination made pursuant to subsection 30.16(1) of the Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act to award SPMgroup Ltd. its reasonable costs incurred in filing and proceeding with the complaint.


In a determination made on July 15, 2002, pursuant to subsection 30.16(1) of the Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act, the Canadian International Trade Tribunal (the Tribunal) awarded SPMgroup Ltd. (SPM) its reasonable costs incurred in relation to preparing and proceeding with the complaint.

On August 14, 2002, SPM submitted to the Tribunal its claim for costs in the amount of $1,685.25 (GST included) for legal fees.

On September 13, 2002, the Department of National Defence (DND) verbally submitted to the Tribunal that it had no comments on SPM's claim since it felt that the claim was reasonable.

On September 18, 2002, the Tribunal requested that SPM clarify its claim for legal fees, specifically the number of completed years of legal practice for its counsel. On September 23, 2002, SPM submitted a revised claim, in the amount of $1,083.38 (GST included), correcting an error in the number of completed years of legal practice for its counsel.

In consideration of the above, the Tribunal hereby awards SPM costs in the amount of $1,083.38 for preparing and proceeding with the complaint and directs DND to take appropriate action to ensure prompt payment.

Richard Lafontaine

Richard Lafontaine
Presiding Member

Susanne Grimes

Susanne Grimes
Acting Secretary